Visual studio 2015 intellisense font awesome not working
Visual studio 2015 intellisense font awesome not working

visual studio 2015 intellisense font awesome not working

If you are having troubles with files not highlighting, try uninstalling NShader first via Tools > Extensions and Updates. Scroll down to ‘n’ and you should see all the NShader colour settings. This should appear in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors in the display items list for the text editor colours. I’ve also added a separate colour setting for anything that is defined as a type. The zip file contains the built-in keyword mapping files as examples. Multiple words can be specified on a single line by separating them with spaces or tabs. For example, if float is mapped as a keyword in the built-in mapping for GLSL, it can be changed to a type by adding the following line to %APPDATA%\NShader\

visual studio 2015 intellisense font awesome not working

The keyword mapping files that can be placed in %APPDATA%\NShader now override the built-in mappings. Otherwise if the shadertype tag is not present, the file extension will be used to decide what type of highlighting to use. This is case sensitive and must appear exactly as above. This will force the file to use the specified syntax highlighter. You can now override the file type detection by specifying, on the first line of a shader file, a comment like so:

Visual studio 2015 intellisense font awesome not working install#

This installer can be used to install into both Visual Studio 20. The installer for the extension can be downloaded here. I’ve forked Issam’s code and added a couple of features.

visual studio 2015 intellisense font awesome not working

Issam Khalil had forked it and added VS2013 support, as well as Unity shader highlighting. His version is available here but it only supports VS2008, VS2010, and VS2012. NShader was originally written by Alexandre Mutel. If you edit shader code in Visual Studio 2013, you might like to use NShader to get syntax highlighting. Shader syntax highlighting in Visual Studio 2013

Visual studio 2015 intellisense font awesome not working